How to Sell Vapes Online: A Comprehensive Guide for Sellers

How to Sell Vapes Online

Selling vapes online sounds like a great business opportunity.

In fact, more and more vape buyers are shopping online. For example, in 2020, 20.5% bought online, which climbed to 33.6% during the COVID pandemic. Now, 32.1% of vape shoppers prefer to buy online.

However, setting up an online vape shop comes with its own set of challenges, including shipping restrictions, payment processing difficulties, and strict age verification requirements.

This guide is designed to simplify the process. Keep reading for legal and logistical guidelines, as well as best practices for how to sell vapes online.

Can I Sale Vapes Online?

The short answer is yes, but with several important caveats.

Selling vapes online is not merely about setting up a website and listing your products. It involves a strong understanding of both federal and state regulations and a commitment to responsible selling practices.

Federal Regulations

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) plays a key role in regulating online vape sales. Here’s what sellers need to know when it comes to how to sell vapes online:

1. Monthly Reporting: Sellers must keep detailed records of all vape sales, including customer information, product details, and prices. Monthly reports are often needed to track sales properly and maintain accountability.

2. Shipping: The Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act prohibits the USPS from delivering vape products. Online sellers must use shipping carriers approved by the PACT Act, which require age verification at delivery, and follow strict shipping rules to keep vape products away from minors.

Age Verification

It’s important to use reliable age verification methods. This includes using age gating on websites to block underage visitors and ID checks to ensure customers are old enough to buy vape products.

State Regulations

Federal regulations lay the groundwork, but state regulations can differ greatly and make things complicated. It’s very important to do your research on the specific laws and regulations in your state and even in your local area while learning how to sell vapes online. This way, you’ll ensure you’re completely compliant and understand any specific details that might impact your business.

Variations in Regulations

State regulations can vary widely, from different age verification needs to restrictions on certain products and licensing requirements. Some states might have tougher rules or additional bans on selling and distributing products. These differences mean you have to carefully look into each state’s laws to avoid any issues and keep your business running smoothly.

Legal Consultation

With the complex and varying state regulations, getting advice from a lawyer is not just helpful; it’s essential. A lawyer who knows about ecommerce and tobacco laws can give you important advice. They can help you understand the regulatory landscape, advise on staying compliant, and protect your business from legal problems and fines.

Setting Up Your Online Vape Business

Setting Up Your Online Vape Business

Starting an online vape business involves several important steps. You need to form your business, choose the right ecommerce platform, and set up reliable age verification. Each step is key to building a successful online presence.

Business Formation

Starting your online vape store means first setting up a business entity. This step is crucial for laying down the legal framework of your business, as well as figuring out your taxes and liabilities.

You might choose a sole proprietorship for its simplicity and direct control, an LLC for its flexibility and liability protection, or another type of business structure. It’s important to know what each choice means for your business’s future.

Ecommerce Platform Selection

Picking the right ecommerce platform is crucial for your online shop, especially for selling vape products. You need a platform that not only offers a good shopping experience but also follows the law. Consider these factors:

  • Security: Choose a platform that values security. Look for SSL certificates, data encryption, and secure payment gateways to protect customer data.
  • Compliance Features: Vape products have strict rules. Your platform should help you follow these rules with age checks and controls to limit sales by location or age.
  • Payment Processing: It should offer secure payment options that handle transactions for products with age restrictions, keeping your business running smoothly and legally.

Age Verification

To comply with laws and protect minors, implementing an effective age verification system is imperative for your online vape store. Age gating with reliable ID verification services offers a strong solution, ensuring that only customers who meet the legal age requirements can make purchases.

It helps in adhering to regulatory demands. It also enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of your business among consumers, who are increasingly concerned about ethical standards and legal compliance.

Do You Need a License to Sell Vapes Online?

Do You Need a License to Sell Vapes Online?

Licensing requirements can vary, so it’s important to understand what is needed at both federal and state levels while learning how to sell vapes online.

Federal Requirements

As of May 2024, no federal licenses are required for online vape sales. However, staying updated on any changes is crucial. Even so, businesses must watch out for future regulatory changes. Staying informed helps avoid legal problems.

State and Local Licensing

State and local licensing requirements can vary. Research your state’s specific requirements and talk to legal experts to ensure compliance.

Vaping Taxation for Online Sellers

Understanding the taxation landscape is essential for operating a compliant and profitable online vape business.

Federal Excise Taxes

As of May 2024, the United States doesn’t have federal excise taxes on vaping products. However, stay updated because there have been proposals in Congress to introduce such taxes. Keep an eye on the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means and the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance for any updates.

State and Local Taxes

Taxes become trickier with state and local levels involved. Many places have put taxes on vaping products, and these can really differ based on where you are or where you’re sending them.

With all the complex tax rules for vaping products at the state and local levels, it’s a good move to talk to an ecommerce tax professional. They can guide you through your business’s specific requirements, ensuring full compliance with all relevant tax laws.

How Do Online Vape Stores Verify Age?

In the digital age, ensuring that online vape stores sell only to customers of legal age is crucial. To adhere to legal requirements and maintain industry standards, these businesses use several strong age verification methods.

Here’s how they do it:

Age Gating

This involves implementing advanced age gating technology directly on the vape store’s website. The technology requires potential buyers to verify their age through various means before they can proceed with browsing or purchasing. This might include putting in a date of birth or other age-confirming information.

ID Verification Services

Online vape stores often use third-party ID verification services. These services are designed to confirm a buyer’s age and identity quickly and securely using government-issued identification documents. This process ensures that only eligible customers can complete their purchases.

Customer Identification

To further ensure compliance, online vape stores maintain meticulous records of customer identification. This involves not just a one-time verification but also keeping accurate, up-to-date records for tracking and reporting purposes. This method helps stores not only adhere to legal standards but also build a database of verified customers, streamlining future transactions.

Shipping Restrictions for Vapes Sold Online

Federal and state rules have set strict guidelines for shipping vape products online to ensure they’re distributed responsibly and according to the law. These rules aim to stop minors from getting vape products and make sure they are only sold to those of legal age.

When sending vape products, businesses need to consider:

Age Verification at Delivery

In today’s market landscape, especially for businesses selling vape products, partnering with delivery services offering strong age verification is no longer optional; it’s essential. The Tobacco 21 law makes it illegal to sell or ship tobacco products, like vapes, to anyone under the age of 21. This calls for a reliable age verification system throughout the entire sales process, including delivery.

Choosing Shipping Partners

Ensuring compliance and reliability in vape product delivery requires careful consideration when choosing shipping carriers. The March 2021 amendment to the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act introduces a significant change, banning USPS from delivering vapes. This necessitates finding carriers well-versed in the legal aspects of vape distribution.

While the PACT Act amendment prohibits USPS from delivering vapes, finding major carriers willing to ship them nationwide is also difficult. Many well-known carriers, like FedEx and UPS, have similar restrictions.

However, some smaller regional carriers might ship vapes if they follow strict age verification procedures. It’s important to thoroughly research any carrier’s policies and ensure they comply with all federal and state regulations before partnering with them.

Payment Processing for Online Vape Stores

Payment Processing for Online Vape Stores: Challenges

Finding payment processors for age-restricted items like vapes is a major challenge for businesses. This is mainly because most regular payment processors avoid vape-related businesses due to strict regulations. As a result, these businesses struggle to find a reliable payment partner.

To tackle this issue, it’s important to look at non-traditional payment options. This includes high-risk payment processors and cryptocurrency. These alternatives can help get around some regulatory issues and offer solutions better suited to businesses selling age-restricted products.

High-risk payment processors are experts in managing businesses considered high-risk, such as vape shops. They understand the industry well and provide customized solutions for products with age restrictions. Using cryptocurrency can bypass usual regulations, offering vape businesses more flexibility.

Exploring and using these innovative payment methods can give your business an edge and make things run more smoothly.


Selling vapes online is a complicated but rewarding venture. By understanding and complying with federal and state regulations, implementing strong age verification methods, and choosing the right ecommerce platform, you can navigate the challenges and succeed in this growing market.

The regulatory landscape is continually evolving, so staying updated on changes is important. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can set your online vape business up for long-term success.

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  • Age Verification
  • How to Sell Vapes Online
  • ID Verification Services