Our Features

Discover the multitude of superpowers that FTx Identity has in store for your business, all of which work hard to protect you and your customers’ safety, all while helping you maintain compliance.

Fast and Easy API Integration

Utilize our user-friendly SDK to develop age-restricted software
solutions and websites and offer a unified login system.

Frequently Asked Questions

We match all customer-end data to their government-issued ID, verify with a front and back view that this government ID is valid, and gather a live selfie image of the user. We then compare all the data and direct the user to the next step, which questions them in public databases and allows them to either enter an OTP (one-time password) sent to their mobile number or email address used to sign up if it is in the public database, or by selecting the correct recorded address that corresponds to them.

We match all customer-end data to their government-issued ID, verify with a front and back view that this government ID is valid, and gather a live selfie image of the user. We then compare all the data and direct the user to the next step, which questions them in public databases and allows them to either enter an OTP (one-time password) sent to their mobile number or email address used to sign up if it is in the public database, or by selecting the correct recorded address that corresponds to them.

In the back-office, view reports with the monthly number of verification attempts per tenant, with the ability to expand to the number per store, and show drilldowns of specific attempts.