The Only Online Convenience Store ID Scanner You Need

FTx Identity’s online ID scanner for convenience stores speeds up the checkout process, age verify for manufacturer incentives, and helps you stop underage sales.

Online Convenience Store ID Scanner
Online Age Verification for Customer

Verify Customer Age Online with FTx Identity

Checking ID cards at the register can be slow and ineffective. Today’s convenience stores need a modern, digital solution. Enter FTx Identity. Our easy-to-use age verification technology for convenience stores speeds things up using AI, making your business more customer friendly.

Use FTx Identity to Lower Business Risks and Protect Customers

The local convenience store is at the heart of any community, but it’s important to operate within the law. We use advanced technology to ensure smooth operations and protect customer privacy.

Fake ID Scanner for Convenience Store

Take Action Against Fake IDs Before They’re Used in Your Store

With FTx Identity’s technology, you can confidently conduct transactions without worry. Our advanced age verification technology ensures that fake documents are kept out of your convenience store.

The Future of Age and Verification and Identity Management is Here

Verifying ages in convenience stores is required but can be tough. FTx Identity’s age verification technology for convenience stores makes it easier. Recognizing it can be time-consuming, our advanced system speeds up checkout, eliminating hassle. It’s affordable and easy to use. Customers simply use their phone, no physical ID needed. It’s that simple!


Get Instant Verification


Documents Covered


Verified on the First Try


Languages Supported

Enjoy Unprecedented Convenience

Enjoy Unprecedented Convenience

Real-time age verification can transform the convenience store industry. At FTx Identity, our online convenience store ID scanner saves customers time, leading to happier customers and potentially boosting sales. Implement our solution in your store and see your profits rise as more people choose to shop with you.

Laws on Selling Age-Restricted Products

Protect Your Business from Minors Purchasing Age-Restricted Products to Avoid Penalties

In today's world, with fraudsters able to harm your business with just one fake ID, protecting identities is critical. FTx Identity provides a straightforward solution to keep you and your customers safe. Our platform detects fake IDs, even those crafted by experts. We also help you comply with strict laws on selling age-restricted goods to minors, ensuring your convenience store isn't negatively impacted.

Make Your Convenience Store Thrive

Make Your Convenience Store Thrive

It's essential to include effective yet fast age verification in your convenience store transactions. Since customers only need to show a QR code, word will get out about your business, attracting more customers and setting you apart as the go-to for speedy service. Plus, customers won’t need to show a physical ID to verify their age, boosting your store’s visibility.

Stronger Safety Measures in Place

Stronger Safety Measures in Place

Our online ID scanner for convenience stores helps protect minors by ensuring they cannot access age-restricted products, creating a safer environment for all customers. These benefits make age verification technology an essential tool for convenience stores, allowing them to efficiently and effectively comply with regulations while improving customer experience.

Get More Accurate Results

Get More Accurate Results

Our online convenience store ID scanner improves accuracy by using automated verification processes instead of old methods like manual checks or self-reported surveys. It uses advanced algorithms and data sources to accurately determine a person's age, making it a more reliable and efficient way to ensure products are age appropriate.

Verify Ages for Loyalty Benefits

Verify Ages for Loyalty Benefits

A strong system for verifying a shopper's age helps you keep track of loyalty programs effectively. At FTx Identity, we help you with age verification when onboarding a customer for your loyalty program, minimizing risks for both your customers and your business. This allows you to offer personalized, top-notch customer service.

The Best Solution for Your Convenience Store: Our Simple, Cloud-Based Age Verification Tool

Age and identity verification that are cloud-based and easy to integrate have been developed by FTx Identity with your liquor store in mind. The information is kept safe in the digital vault in encrypted form and is only accessible by the end-user.

Age Verification Technology for Convenience Store

FTx Identity Offers Highly Secure, Cloud-Based, and Simple-to-Integrate Software for Age and Identity Verification for eCommerce and Retail

Identity solutions for eCommerce and retail businesses offered by FTx Identity are secure, and the information is stored in a cloud-based digital vault. Data is stored in encrypted form, which only the end-user can access.

Fast and Easy API Integration

Utilize our user-friendly SDK to develop age-restricted software
solutions and websites and offer a unified login system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Stores use age verification technology for several key reasons:

  • Laws restrict the sale of items like tobacco and alcohol to certain age groups, so this technology helps stores comply and avoid fines or license loss.
  • It offers a more accurate and consistent method for verifying a customer’s age.
  • It benefits employees by making the age check process quicker, reducing the time spent on ID checks, and speeding up service for customers.

Convenience stores often verify age by scanning driver’s licenses or ID cards, and some use facial recognition software. They might also use handheld devices to scan ID barcodes to check a customer’s age.

For convenience stores, age verification technology offers numerous benefits. These include:

  • Compliance with regulatory standards: In many countries, there are strict regulations in place regarding the sale of age-restricted products such as tobacco and alcohol. By implementing an effective age verification system, convenience stores can ensure they are following these regulations and avoid hefty fines or legal consequences.
  • Protection against underage sales: Age verification technology can accurately verify a customer’s age, preventing minors from purchasing age-restricted products. This protects both the store and the customers by promoting responsible consumption.
  • Streamlined operations: With automated age verification processes, convenience stores can eliminate manual ID checks, saving time for both staff and customers. This also reduces the risk of human error in checking IDs.

The accuracy of age verification technology depends on the specific method used. Some methods, like manual age checks or online surveys, may be less accurate compared to automated verification processes that use advanced algorithms and data sources.

However, even with more accurate methods, there is always a margin of error. Businesses should carefully evaluate and regularly test their chosen age verification solution to ensure it meets their specific accuracy requirements. Additionally, implementing multiple verification methods can improve overall accuracy and provide a more robust age verification process.